
We produce a monthly eNewsletter to keep you up to date on any exciting news and opportunities for older people across Bristol. If you want to subscribe to receive our eNewsletter click here.

We can also keep you up to date on activities, events and offers that sometimes become available to LinkAge Network. If you want to subscribe to receive information on activities, events and offers click here.

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Would you like to help shape projects that bring Young People and Older People together in a meaningful way? The chance to share your skills, knowledge and experience with others?

Choga, New Age Kurling, Ping Pong, Painting, Line Dancing, Computers and the new Get Up Stand Up film, these are some of the brilliant activities on offer at our celebration day at the Broadmead Baptist church in the town centre this Thursday. We’d love you to come along, have a go, meet new people and have fun!

On the 5th September Linkage were thrilled to be invited to open the annual South West Seniors Network Conference at the Winter Gardens in Weston-super-Mare. LinkAge Line Dancers gave a demonstration of their demon dance steps, then conference delegates were serenaded by the Malcolm X Golden Oldies singing group.

If you settled down at the weekend to watch the sequins fly during Strictly Come Dancing, then we have just the activity for you! Qualified dance tutor Norma Daykin is launching a new Fit Steps class at The Beehive Centre on Thursday 2 October.

Would you like to help shape projects that bring Young People and Older People together in a meaningful way? The chance to share your skills, knowledge and experience with others?

Through volunteering I began to understand just how vitally important volunteers are and how they benefit as much as the older people they help. Older people expressed endless appreciation about the success of the LinkAge activities, in particular befriending, through which they had formed mutual, rewarding friendships with their volunteers.