Sizzling Summer of Age!


The Lord Mayor opened the event but the real highlight was the premiere of the video produced by the young people who supported the activities throughout the summer and really made the Summer of Age work. The young people were taking part in Young Bristol’s National Citizenship Service and at the event they talked about loneliness in the UK, the impact of societies generational stereotyping and the work of LinkAge and Young Bristol in tackling this.

Through meeting, working with and getting to know seniors during the summer they concluded that it is society that generates stereotypes of young people and people over 55. This is what creates the friction and rifts between generations but we are all people regardless of our age and if we could have more opportunities to bring people and generations together, such as the Summer of Age, we could create much happier and cohesive communities.


“Many of the people we spoke to regardless of age felt the same”.
“We can all be quick to judge, but really we should all just make more of an effort to get to know each other”.