Active Ageing


What a busy month it's been in Lawrence Weston! September has seen the launch of some brand new activities including Line Dancing, Arts & Crafts and Chair Yoga, all of which were decided by local residents.

The activities were trialed at the Wellbeing Day back in July 2015 and due to the pledged interest and start up funding from Ambition Lawrence Weston these activities have now been able to commence.

The activities have a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of attendees. It provides an opportunities for people to engage within their local community, learn new skills and develop new friendships. 

Research has shown that strong social networks, involvement in local communities, having a role within society, and undertaking physical or creative activities promote positive ageing so we are really excited at LinkAge to be launching more activities within the Lawrence Weston area.


For more information please contact 

Laura Burchett 

Community Development Worker 

0117 353 3042