Severnside Community Rail Partnership, LinkAge Network and Great Western Railway – Overcoming Loneliness with Games on the Train
Take a look at Severnside Community Rail Partnership’s brilliant short film about our Games on the Train initiative.
The film has reached the shortlist of the Photo and Video category at the Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP) Awards.
Games on the Train, developed with the support of Lisa Dicker, resident volunteer in Sea Mills and Severnside Community Rail Partnership, promotes activities for older people from Sea Mills and Avonmouth. People are invited to play bingo, knit or play board games for an hour while riding the Severn Beach train, enjoying tea, coffee and biscuits, building friendships and having fun!
Now in its 15th year, ACoRP’s Community Rail Awards recognise and celebrate the important and often unsung work carried out by community rail volunteers, partnerships, station friends, and community groups.
The overall winners will be announced at a gala presentation evening on Thursday 3 October which LinkAge’s Tracy Edwards-Brown will be attending, along with other members of the Games on the Train team. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
You can vote for the video by following this link to the voting form and selecting entry J: ‘Overcoming Loneliness with Games on the Train’.