Gurt Lush Choir, Thursday Evenings

The Gurt Lush Choir has been making a splendid noise since 2009, and is known as Bristol’s favourite choir (among us anyway).

If you think you can’t sing don’t worry, you probably can! In any case there’s no audition so you’re in! You get a free taster session to see if you like us and your membership includes access to full resources to help you master the songs, including audio recordings of all voice parts and manuscripts.


Full details on websites. Live footage on Youtube. Banter on Facebook.

Gurt Lush has weekly rehearsals in Ashley Down (Tues 7.30pm), Redland (Thurs 12.30pm) and Knowle (Thurs 7.30pm). Mix between branches as you like – there’s no extra cost!

Bristol MAN Chorus has weekly rehearsals in St Andrews, Mondays, 7.30pm, + you can also sing with Gurt Lush any time that takes your fancy!

A good choir is an extraordinary sound made of ordinary people. So we’re all qualified.

Location & times

  • 23rd January, 2025
  • 19:30 - 21:30
  • Venue: Knowle Methodist Church
  • Redcatch Rd,
    Knowle, BS4 2EP
  • Knowle
  • 50.00
  • Additional cost information: Membership is £50 for one term or £90 for two, or £250 for the whole year, payable in a one-off payment at the start of term / year (or pro rata if you join mid-term). Concessionary rates (for those receiving pension credit, full-time students, incapacity allowance, job seekers allowance or income support) are £35 for one term or £65 for two, or £180 for the whole year. Each choir offers a free taster session before you have to start paying.
  • Contact:

Recurring dates

  • Recurring dates
  • Recurring information: weekly