Suewan Kemp – LinkAge and Bristol Charities for Henbury & Brentry


I’m Suewan Kemp and I have just started work as the Community Development Worker for Henbury and Brentry. I have spent the last couple of weeks getting out and about in the community visiting local activities including Line Dancing, Kurling and coffee mornings. I was also lucky enough to be able to start my new role by meeting lots of wonderful LinkAge volunteers at the Celebration event earlier this month. Over the coming months I’m hoping to get some more activities and events set up for the over-55s in the Henbury and Brentry area. 

I’m really looking forward to getting to know the local area and community. Please do come and say hello if you see me around.


For more information on activities and events in the Henbury and Brentry area please call Suewan on either 0117 950 7160 and 07584 279487 or email